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Business Websites-10 Critical Errors to Resolve

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Traders who buy and sell online know the importance of having a running fully functional business websites. Longer downtime mean lost revenue and potential leads. If you want to maximize your online sales then your website needs to be up and running with minimal downtime.

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A fully functional website is also designed attractively and is easy to navigate. The problems that prevent your website from functioning properly include design, content, and coding errors. In this edition, we share with you the 10 most critical errors you need to resolve on your business website right away.

1. Poor Navigation

The most common navigation mistakes in most business websites are overcrowded menus and inconsistent labeling of the same. Businesses may be tempted to provide shortcuts to as much information as they can about products and services. However, it can overcrowd the menu and make navigation difficult.

Inconsistent labeling of menus also causes navigation difficult. They confuse visitors; for instance, if items on the navigation menu bear names different from the corresponding pages, it turns away visitors. The best practice is to check the number of items appearing on your menu, keeping them as few as you can. Menu items should be named correctly and linked to respective pages.

2. Outdated Content

Outdated content is a major turn-off for visitors because accurate and updated content helps them make an informed decision. For instance, before purchasing a product online, most people research the product. They want the latest information on the product like videos and text. If the content on your site is outdated, you need to fix it immediately because it’s costing you customers and sales.

3. Unclear Mission Statement

A business website should not be treated as an online brochure. Developers advise business people to assess professional sites to see whether they pass the “blink test.” The test demand that a visitor should tell what your site is about at a glance. If the purpose of your site is unclear at a glance, visitors are likely to move elsewhere.

Business websites with unclear purposes will have high bounce rates even if visitors land there from other platforms. Some of the means you can use to clarify the purpose of your website is making sure the name of your business or service is reflected in the address and heading.

4. Not Mobile-Friendly

Most people on the internet nowadays surf the web on mobile devices. Moreover, many people are shopping online more than before. Making sure your site is mobile-friendly is a fact that cannot be overstated.

To make your site render well on mobile devices you need to work with professional developers. They can technical diagnostics like speed tests and come up with solutions to improve the speed of your site. Slow sites especially business websites that take too long to load are turned off to most potential customers.

5. Too Many Calls to Actions

Calls to action have an important role in e-commerce sites. They convey the value of your product/service while at the same time encouraging customers to buy. However, if you have too many of them, they can turn off potential customers. Too many calls to action make you sound like you’re only after the sale.

Potential customers may also feel like you’re being too pushy if you have too many calls to action. The best practice is to limit the number you’ve on your pages and place them strategically.

6. Slow Loading Time

People in the west are used to a fast pace of life and they prefer the same while browsing. Web pages that load slowly make people leave for maybe another site. Your business site needs to be optimized for speed to make sure all the pages including catalogs load quickly.

Slow loading time could mean a loss of revenue. This why your site needs to load quickly and have fewer downtime.

7. High Bounce Rates

High bounce rates mean visitors are leaving your site as soon as they land there. A variety of factors may be responsible. Things like poor web design, difficult-to-navigate menus, and outdated content can cause high bounce rates.

For people to get the message your brand is conveying, they need to stay on the page for at least a few minutes. High bounce rates mean that some visitors leave without knowing what your site is all about.

8. Lack of Social Presence

Social presence is crucial for online businesses in the era of social media. Businesses with a strong online presence have social capital. It translates to social commerce for business. People are more likely to buy your goods/services after interacting with your business on social media.

A good social presence also fosters trust with your consumer especially if you include customer support services on your social media handles. Business websites with links to trusted social media sites appear authentic to customers. They’re likely to purchase from such sites compared to the ones with no social media presence.

9. Grammatical Errors on Web Content

If your website has numerous grammar and spelling errors, it makes it appear unprofessional. People may suspect that your business is not authentic even if it is. It’s a good idea to work with an editor to tailor your content to resonate with your brand.

Having grammatically correct content is important because nobody will buy goods or services from a site that looks unprofessional with language that is difficult to understand.

10. Inconsistent Web Design

Having a website with a heading section that is significantly different from the body and footer can be counterproductive. An inconsistent design may convey to customers that your business cannot be trusted.

Your business website should have a uniform design and the right content. This portrays you as a professional who knows what he/she is doing. It also increases the chances of people ordering from your sites.

At De haro Group we’ve built thousands of business websites for our clients. Get in touch with us we check your business website and make improvement that will increase you conversation rates.

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