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Glassmorphism-A New Web Design Trend

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If you are a member of platforms for designers like Dribble, you’ve probably noticed other members discussing emerging web design trends. Glassmorphism is one of the most popular designs trends right now.

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It entails the use of transparent and bold backgrounds together with images and shapes to give your website a glass-like appearance. Glassmorphism is a new web design trend being used by notable brands such as Apple, Microsoft, and macOS.

In this article, we share with you the elements of Glassmorphism and why it’s popular. So stick to the end.

Elements of Glassmorphism


The frosted-glass Effect which is one of the major elements is achieved by using a blurry background. It adds depth and verticality to the design. The blurry effect gives the web layout a sense of perspective, which makes elements appear like they’re floating in a 3D space.

Multi-Layered Approach

Websites designed using Glassmorphism have elements that look like objects floating in space. This is achieved through the multi-layered approach that gives your website a clean look that is easy to the eyes.

Vivid Colors

Background colors are important because they play a significant role in making your site attractive. In Glassmorphism subtle colors are used not to interfere with the blurry transparent background. A transparent background is necessary for the properties of the website to be visible.

Dull backgrounds will fade away under objects. Dull backgrounds also don’t allow clustering of objects or having detailed properties which is a feature of Glassmorphism.

Light Borders

The glass-like look is achieved using semitransparent white borders that make objects stand out from the background.

Glassmorphism is a new web trend today that requires the modification of HTML and CSS. The commonly modified properties include background and backdrop filter properties. HTML and CSS are also modified to make background elements look transparent.

Developers have already put together a new CSS UI library with the features that support glass morphism. It has emerged as a new trend in interface design. Glassmorphism has translucent frosted glasslike elements, which gives the design its name.

The new trend is used in designing landing pages, dashboards, and mobile app interfaces.

Now That You Know the Basics of Glassmorphism as a Trending Web Design, Let’s Share With You Popular Applications of Glassmorphism

Banking Fintech

In banking and fin-tech Glassmorphic web, elements are used in designing digital credit cards and online banking sites.

Store Management Dashboard

The translucent effect in Glassmorphism is used in designing translucent dashboards. This type of dashboard enables the clear visualization of data in a clear background.

 Music Players

Music players designed with Glassmorphic elements have a crystal clear user interface with floating buttons.

Glassmorphic Headers

Glassmorphic headers are used on websites, credit cards, and forms with a call-to-action button.

Glassmorphic Apps

Apps with the Glassmorphic elements have added a translucent interface with a visible background. Features of the app appear floating on a glass-like surface.

Glassmorphic User Interface

Websites with the Glassmorphic features have translucent elements floating on the site. These elements include a progress bar, search bar, and the favorite button.

Creative Cloud Apps

Creative Cloud apps, for example, Photoshop have already adopted a Glassmorphic interface. The app opens in a translucent background. Features appear as transparent glass-like buttons floating in space. Different industries are taking up Glassmorphic websites to improve user interface and conversion rates.

Now We Would Like To Tell You Why Glassmorphism Is So Popular

Glassmorphism is an ultra-modern user interface design that is quickly growing in popularity since last year. This style is so popular because it’s attractive and was introduced by tech giants like Apple in 2013 with the introduction of iOS 7. The design was readopted when apple later updated Mac OS in November 2020.

Glassmorphic features are also available in Windows Vista and Microsoft under the fluent design program. The style has persisted and developed over the years to include glass-like fonts, colors, and shapes.

Achieving the Glassmorphic effect is not so difficult, you just need to consider a few things. First, you should use your judgment to know whether your site will benefit from Glassmorphic features.

This style gives you the best visual appeal if only used on one or two elements on your site. To implement Glassmorphic elements on your site, follow three simple steps.

Pick the Right Layers

Look at your website or app and pick the features that you’d like to appear glasslike with colorful backgrounds. Glassmorphic web features are still new and controversial. So, developers are advised to use them sparingly.

Glass-like Look

You want your website to have an illusion of a glasslike-look which is the key element in Glassmorphic websites. The glass-like panel floats over a translucent background. You can achieve a transparent background using design tools such as Figma. Don’t make the entire element transparent. Do this only if it fits.

Set Dimension

Setting dimension entails adding fine borders to the element to lower transparency and give it a translucent glass-like appearance. Add an extra shadow under your element to give it a sense of depth.

Glassmorphism is still a new web design trend. If you’re not an expert you’ll need to hire a developer to upgrade your site. Remember, an attractive website is one of the most effective marketing tools in the modern world. So, get your site upgraded.

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