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"E-Commerce" Archive

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business websites

Business Website Design to Bring You More Sales

An effective business website design is the main factor determining the success of your e-commerce business. An attractive website enables you to capture and retain customers because it creates a first good impression. Furthermore, a properly done website enables you to increase sales and revenue. Good business website design gives

web design agency

Web Design Agency – 10 Factors to Consider

As your business grows whether you trade online or in the physical world, you’ll need a website at some point. A website is a great way to showcase your collections and the portfolio of your business. It’s also a great tool for online marketing because a business website allows you

business website design

Business Websites-10 Critical Errors to Resolve

Traders who buy and sell online know the importance of having a running fully functional business websites. Longer downtime mean lost revenue and potential leads. If you want to maximize your online sales then your website needs to be up and running with minimal downtime. A fully functional website is

money website

10 Ways of Monetizing Your Website

Having a website remains the best way of solidifying your online presence. A website provides an ideal place for visitors from your social media handles to know about your goods/ services or what your mission is. Apart from helping you to convey your interests and mission, websites provide the most

e-commerce technologies

E-Commerce Technologies for Online Stores

E-commerce is the fastest-growing industry globally generating billions. Startups and small businesses are leveraging e-commerce technologies to acquire new customers and increase sales. The technologies have made it super easy to set up a business and grow it. Hence, building an e-commerce store is one of the most popular business

online marketing tools

Online Marketing Tools for Success

Marketing is the biggest factor that determines whether your start-up will survive the first two years. Online marketing tools leverages technology to popularize brands and enable companies to acquire customers. It’s the most popular mode of advertisement for businesses right now. For you to launch a successful marketing campaign, you

Consumer Behavior with AI

Learning consumer behavior gives you an advantage over your competitors. The more your business knows about customers the better. Gathering information about customers helps you to provide the best customer service you can. Artificial intelligence and machine learning boost customer satisfaction by over 10% according to a study done by


Augmented Reality & Online Shopping Experience

Augmented reality is the icing on the cake when it comes to digital technology. AR is a simulation of the real world that is achieved through the use of digital devices that simulates sounds or other sensations delivered through technology. Augmented reality is considered the future of e-commerce and online


Glassmorphism-A New Web Design Trend

If you are a member of platforms for designers like Dribble, you’ve probably noticed other members discussing emerging web design trends. Glassmorphism is one of the most popular designs trends right now. It entails the use of transparent and bold backgrounds together with images and shapes to give your website

online business

Online Business – Future Trends

Shopping online and online business is now becoming a norm unlike before when people only shopped for specific items online. This trend is seen globally across industries. For instance, in 2020 online business generated more than 4 trillion USD. The online market is still vast because only 22% of the

ecommerce stores

Ecommerce Stores-How to Build a Profitable One

No doubt e-commerce is the future. Nevertheless, starting ecommerce stores can be a little bit intimidating. Running a successful one requires hard work. Furthermore, you’ll have to work with experts and make major decisions. In this article, we share with established and future entrepreneurs the steps to follow if they

website glitches

Common Website Glitches and Solutions

For businesses, having a website is the cornerstone of online marketing because it enables businesses to convey the value of their goods and products. In addition, having a website makes it possible to collect the crucial data needed to launch an effective marketing campaign. However, if your site has the

UX Design

UX Design with Simple Web Solutions

Your website is one of the best marketing tools at your disposal because it enables people to reach you around the clock. A well-designed website or app leaves a positive user experience. UX design or user experience refers to the process of improving user satisfaction with apps or websites by

website builders

The Top 6 Website Builders

Gone are the days when you needed to learn complex design languages such as Html, CSS, and JavaScript to build a website. Nowadays building a website is an easy task that can be accomplished using different website builders. In this article, we share with you the top 6 website builders.

graphic design trends

Graphic Design Trends That Will Dominate 2021

Graphic design trends are changing very fast and new styles are emerging every year, if not monthly. Below are graphic design trends most likely to dominate 2021. Color Combinations and Blurring Effects This design enables elements and images to stand out against writing in the background. Graphic designers are taking

Progressive web apps

How Progressive Web Apps Improve User Experience

More than 80% of people browse the web using mobile devices. Progressive web apps improve user experience. It’s one of the main factors that determine whether visitors leave a site as soon as they land on it, or stay and browse. The only way to make sure that visitors stay

Accelerated mobile pages

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) and Loading Speeds

Accelerated mobile pages (AMP) is a collaboration project between Google and Twitter meant to make mobile pages load fast. AMP is a simple version of HTML. These pages are designed to be lightweight in order to load quickly. AMP pages were introduced to counter Facebook’s instant articles. The pages only

Social Commerce: The Key Trends in 2021 – (Updated Video For 2022 Key Trends)

Social commerce is a relevantly new business venture within the wider e-commerce niche. It combines both the elements of online shopping and social interactions. The trade takes place on social media platforms, but it is not social media marketing. Social commerce entails selling goods and services directly through social media

Websites with Artificial Intelligence

Organizations are increasingly using websites with artificial intelligence in order to improve business processes and make them run smoothly. AI can be used to automate different functionality on a business website. In this article, we look at how artificial intelligence is automating business processes to make them efficient. AI Can

Customer Loyalty

How Branding Creates Customer Loyalty

Branding refers to the content, slogans, and multimedia customers associates with your goods or services. Most people 60 to 80% do some online research before making the decision to buy. Branding creates customer loyalty by helping you to get and retain customers. Acquiring new customers is expensive than retaining existing

Creating a Website

Creating A Website: The Factors to Consider

Creating a website requires great skill and attention. You need an attractive design. This is only achieved if you work with skilled developers and designers. An attractive web design increases your conversion rates and engagement with prospective customers. However, before you proceed, there’re certain factors you have to consider before

Online Presence

Online Presence with A Responsive Web Design

Having a strong online presence is important whether your business sell stuff online or not. One of the major ways to improve your online presence is having a responsive web design. People prefer websites they can access on any device and have a similar experience. For example, if people find

Website Impact

Attractive Website and the Success of Your Business

Surveys show that up to 88% of consumers go online to look for relevant information before making the decision to buy. Having an attractive website is important because it determines whether people stay or leave as soon as they land on your homepage. A simple way to tell whether your

The Advantages of Having an Online Store

Most entrepreneurs interested in selling products online often think of setting up shop in established eCommerce sites like Amazon, eBay, or Etsy. The reason most people opt for established eCommerce sites is that they think it’s easy. However, it’s not as easy as it sounds. You may open a shop

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vector illustration of two people working on digital task panels, completing and marking tasks as complete